ASHBi retreat 2025
京都大学 WPI 研究拠点 ASHBi(ヒト生物学高等研究拠点)毎年恒例のリトリートが、1月31日(金)―2月1日(土)びわ湖大津プリンスホテルで行われ、我々のグループの Chih-Yang Chen が Presentation Award を受賞しました!
講演タイトルは “Pathology, function, and behavior: a Lewy body disease primate model with α-synuclein propagation from the olfactory bulb”
その他、下記メンバーがポスター発表を行い、Discussion も盛り上がりました。
The Effect of Frontal Eye Field Inactivation by Muscimol and Optogenetics in Common Marmosets
Xiyao YU
Visual awareness-related neural activity in prefrontal cortex in macaque during post-decision-wagering task
Longxiang ZHANG
Rapid recovery and large-scale plasticity of corticospinal axons by rTMS and rehabilitation after spinal cord injury in macaques
Ziguo LAN
A multidimensional investigation of neural and behavioral phenotypes in a novel DISC1-mutated macaque model